Friday, May 10, 2013

Wednesday 5-8 UK Day 2

Another early day, but no team line was needed and no new issues were reported. The RTM release was going very well after lots of long, hard and good work by many people. Hopefully the rest of the week going well and the team can rest up and have some outside enjoyment. On the other side we are ramping up for the big semi-annual Trust release so another couple teams are putting in long hours to make this release very successful too.

Today, I was catching up on emails over the last week and setup time with the teams to work with each of them. I had time with Ops team – Helen to resolve yesterday’s eroded message and show here how to triage in the future. I sat down and she reviewed and performed her day to day processes – very manual intensive and lots of information was with her and not documented, so I can see how this process takes a long time, very error prone and hard to train. We talked about GTX benefits, concerns and improvements, and the whole team provided some improvement suggestions, which I will review with the team onsite. This time provided me with lots of insight into the business users world which will help me support this in the future. Secondly I sat with the recon team to provide insight as Chris was training them on the GTX product so they could use to search and independently perform research. They asked many questions and I got some additional insight on how this app will be used. I have a few follows on user set and searching.

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