Sunday, January 13, 2008

India Trip - Preparations

I was asked to travel to India and be part of my company's annual executive trip to one of our consultant corporate center. Since I work with many Indian co-workers, I though it would be a great time seeing their homeland and allow me to better relate with them. Initially I was told three major details, I would fly business class, duration would be about a week, and I would need to get a number of shots. Then I was also told that I would have some other tasks, lead some presentations, purchase some chocolate candies and send before our arrival as a gift, and I would need to read a book as it relates to the executive theme of the week. This wasn't that earth shattering. My only concern is if the Eagles were going to have any playoffs games, but as you are already aware that concern did not have any merit.

Medications: I needed about 4 shots 2-3 weeks before my departure, another a week before, another 2-3 days before and the last one - 6 months after my return. I am not a big fan of shots, but everything went without incident. Also I was given a daily pill and a pill for sickness if required.

Other preliminary information: Take lots of over-the-counter stomach medications to recover from the spicy foods. Don't drink the water, only unopened bottles, even when brushing your teeth. Eat at main restaurants not with any street vendors. Do not eat the uncooked vegetables, no salad. Everything must be cooked and always look for the steam from the foods. Finally, fruits were acceptable if they had to be peeled.

If I followed these simple rules, I should have a fun and uneventful trip.

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